
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2020

EQ Token will use blockchain technology as a far better and more efficient way.

Introduction EQ Token  will be a new method of equity crowdfunding that will allow even the smallest investor to get equity in return for their investment. All investment applications on  EQ Token website  will need to offer up a portion of their business for a specified amount of money. If successfully funded, tokens will be created for this business. These tokens will be evenly distributed among investors based on investment size. Holding these tokens in your digital  cryptocurrency  wallet will allow us to send you shares of company profits. You will also have the chance to sell your tokens at any time on our own token exchange. The 2 main aims of  EQ Token  are to: 1. Give start-ups and existing businesses the opportunity to quickly raise money in exchange for equity. 2. 3. Give investors of any size the ability to be equity stakeholders in a company. Currently  blockchain  is seen mainly as a platform for  cryptocurrencies . EQ Token  plans to use the  Ethereum blockcha

GLBrain is an online community management, social network worldwide

Initially, when social networks were born in the world and began to develop EN masse, people were particularly enthusiastic about this new product. Because with it, people have found a powerful and interesting tool for communicating with each other. Problems Now, when the largest and most popular social networks have years of fruitful work behind them, it is difficult to say that their current position is still based on the exclusive communication of users with each other. After all, you probably have already heard this kind of information about how our favorite social networks collect and send our personal data to different advertising companies. Which, in turn, on the basis of the received data, transform their marketing and advertising company. At the same time, this situation once again proves to us that all our user data is vulnerable and not confidential. Moreover, using them without our consent leads to violation of consumer rights. Turning their attention to everyth


Juiice Tentang Juiice Orang-orang kreatif secara default, dan atribut ini mendapat angin segar dengan setiap media baru. Internet, bersama dengan teknologi modern lainnya, memberi sayap kreativitas yang tidak seperti sebelumnya. Tidak hanya semua orang dapat mengekspresikan dirinya dengan cara apa pun yang dapat dibayangkan, karyanya dapat dengan mudah dilihat di seluruh dunia. Ini melahirkan seni yang sepenuhnya baru: konten digital yang dihasilkan oleh pengguna virus.   Seni ini mencakup hampir semua hal yang dapat dibayangkan, mulai dari foto alam yang menakjubkan dan pertunjukan video dari berbagai bakat hingga lelucon yang trendi, klip lucu, dan pemikiran orisinal. Di sisi lain, setiap saat puluhan juta pemirsa terhibur, kagum dan bahkan tercerahkan oleh camilan ini. kandungan . Ini seperti makanan cepat saji gratis hiburan.   Kami menetapkan Juiice sebagai galeri seni konten mikro viral, yang akan menghibur pengunjung dan mendorong penulis untuk menyebarkan kreativ